Home News WHO lauds Kano Gov’t management of Diphtheria outbreak

WHO lauds Kano Gov’t management of Diphtheria outbreak

by Haruna Gimba
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By Asmau Ahmad

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has commended the Kano State Government for its political commitment demonstrated to arrest the diphtheria outbreak in some parts of the state.

The WHO Country Representative in Nigeria, Walter Kasadi, said the state has displayed exemplary leadership in bringing epidemic to stand still in some parts of the state.

He described Kano state as a role model in the fight against the disease.

Kasadi made the commendation when the Global Fund delegation paid a working visit on Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf at the Government House on Wednesday.

He, however, called on other states to follow suit in demonstrating political commitment in providing required modern health facilities in heath institutions.

“Kano is an epicentre for diphtheria, but we have seen so far exemplary in quick rapid response.

“All agencies, sectors, partners working around and implement a diphtheria response effort. And that is an example as to how to work together.

“We hope other states will follow suit and harness these successes.

“Obviously, Kano has a great potential of revitalising of the Primary Health Care, which has been put fore by WHO to accelerate health.

“Diphtheria is just a wake-up call that we have to revisit the foundation of the PHC, multi-sector policy and action, community empowerment and engagement.

“What we have seen here is an example of political will or commitment,” Kasadi said.

Responding, Governor Yusuf told the Global fund delegation that the state government would continue to accord priority attention towards the provision of modern equipment in its healthcare facilities across the 44 local government areas of the state.

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