By Ndidi Chukwu
As part of programme for replacement of Long Lasting Insecticide Net (LLIN) campaign in Nigeria, residents in Kebbi State have received 2.2 million LLIN, to aid malaria elimination programme in Nigeria. The National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) in collaboration with the Global Fund (GF) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), in a collaborative effort provided 2.2m nets for distribution in the Kebbi State LLIN Replacement Campaign
“Global Fund provided 1.2m nets while PMI provided 1m nets, and the nets were given free” said Hassan Gwandu State Coordinator FHI360/Malaria Action Program for States (MAPS) Project
In Kebbi, NMEP is the implementing partner for GF while Malaria Action Program for States (MAPS) is implementing the program for USAID/PMI, Hassan told Health Reporter that the distribution was done in 5 days, from 22nd to 26th January 2015, at designated Distribution Points (DPs) in each and every ward in the state.
“Our target was to ensure that every household would have at least a net and the maximum number that will be given to a household that has up to 7 persons or more will be 4 nets” Hassan said
Already net cards were distributed by household mobilizers who were trained earlier on. They went from house to house collecting data on the number of persons and give the net cards. “One net card is to be redeemed for one net and only women are expected to go to the DPs to receive the nets” said Hassan
“There is plan for a routine continuous distribution of the nets in health facilities (ANC 1st visit and Routine Immunization, after measles is given to a child) and community through ward development committees” he noted